Tuning & Maintenance
The Pipe Organ is one of the most sophisticated and complex musical instruments ever designed, built and played. Due to the hundreds and often thousands of pipes throughout the instrument, it is important to keep your instrument properly maintained and tuned. This will increase the longevity and reliability of your Pipe Organ.
We offer three levels of maintenance for your Pipe Organ. Each level consists of the same quality of service, but differs by the frequency of service. Depending on the amount of use your Pipe Organ receives, we recommended choosing a suitable service level. They are listed below.
– Concert Level –
The Concert Level Service is for Pipe Organs that need to be in excellent tune and working order at all times (except for scheduled repairs). This service includes four tunings/year, either quarterly or scheduled right before performances. Includes 2 emergency Calls/year.
– Recital Level –
The Recital Level Service is for Pipe Organs that need to be in solid tune and working order (except for scheduled repairs). This service includes three tunings/year, either every four months or scheduled right before performances. Include 1 emergency call/year.
– Practice Level –
The Practice Level Service is for Pipe Organs that are played on a regular basis, but do not require the reeds, mixtures, and flues to be in precise tune at all times. This service includes two tunings/year, approximately every 6 months. The Practice Level Service does not include any emergency calls/year.
Comprehensive Maintenance Plan
Our Comprehensive Maintenance Plan consists of either a yearly or monthly fee, based on the size of your Pipe Organ. This plan would include 2, 3, or 4 tunings/year as well as covering the repair or replacement costs for Static Reservoirs, Main & Pedal Reservoirs, Expression Shades (Pneumatic or Solid-State controlled), Tremolo’s, Dump Valves, Chimes, and Stop Tab, Key and Pedal repairs. Give us a call or fill out our contact form to schedule a visit.